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„Abiotic and biotic factors” – Agnieszka Kompała-Bąba

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jodla-pospolita-abies-al_275Abiotic and biotic factors affecting the diversity of ruderal vegetation (Silesian Uplands Poland)

Agnieszka Kompała-Bąba

Rodzaj wydawnictwa:  naukowe, praca habilitacyjna

In the monograph author adressed important questions to community ecology: (1) if any repeated patterns of ruderal vegetation in the Silesian Uplands exist, (2) what are the main abiotic and biotic factors which shape the floristic composition of ruderal vegetation?

The performed classification of dataset based on floristic composition and Rother criteria such as: physiognomy, habitat preferences of species enabled 26 vegetation units of the ruderal habitats to be delimited. Two independent environment al gradients responsible for differentiation of species were revealed: one marked by the calcium content in the soils, available nutrients, total nitrogen and organic carbon and a second one connected with the granulometric composition of soils and soil reaction. Along these gradients are filtered species traits connected with competition, dispersal, regeneration what enabled to distinguish some functional groups. A detailed partition of variance in species data revealed that species composition of ruderal vegetation was primarily shaped by differences in competitive traits, dispersal traits and to a lesser extent by soil variables. A large percentage of residual variation may be related to historical events (land use), stochastic processes (disturbances, long-distance seed dispersal, etc), complex species responses to environmental gradients, as well as variables not included into the model.

Dr Agnieszka Kompała-Baba is a doctor of Biology In the Department of Geobotany and Nature Protection, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection of the University of Silesia. She takes an interest in geobotany, community ecology, environmental protection and issues related to environmental management and renewable energy sources. Her research focuses on vegetation of cities and its transformation, assembly rules, the role of alien species in the plant communities, as well as and mechanisms of colonisation of brownfield areas and ecological restoration. She is an author of dozens of scientific papers and conference reports on natural and anthropogenic vegetation of the Silesian and Kraków-Częstochowa Uplands.

Informacje techniczne o książce

  • Objętość: 182 strony
  • Format: B5 (168 x 238 mm)
  • Rodzaj oprawy: miękka, karton, folia błyszcząca
  • Wnętrze – druk czarno-biały; papier: offsetowy 80 g

Rodzaj dostarczonego materiału

Książka została przygotowana z dostarczonych przez autora plików z tekstem, tabelami i rycinami oraz projektem okładki.

Wykonane czynności

  • redakcja merytoryczna,
  • adiustacja i korekty,
  • redakcja techniczna,
  • łamanie.

Druk cyfrowy:

  • cyfrowy
  • okładka i wnętrze – czarno-białe

Nakład: 100 egz.

Cena detaliczna do sprzedaży: 40 zł zł

Data wydania: rok 2013

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